Everyone enjoys the pleasure of being in a cozy living room with their families, but what are the factors to consider when you want to have that super living room? here are some of the things to observe before you have a super living room :
1. Color-Since color affects your mood and how you will operate, it is always advisable to make it zen and calm since you will be accommodating persons with different personalities
2.Lighting-Lighting supports how the living will look like, have sufficient lighting that won’t be too bright or dull.
Have a main source of light that you can put on the center or spotlights.
3.Focal point-Choose a focal point and many a time people choose., the wall with the TV
4.Decoration-Have your space to have some bit of character, don’t make it too plain
5.Circulation-This is rather how you will be moving in and about that space, decide well how to place your furniture since it will affect how people will be moving around the living room. for example to the kitchen or dining space.
6.Type of seats-L-shaped seats are recommended because
they allow casual seating, comfortable to sit on, they fit in a different orientation(on the middle or corner of the space) the only disadvantage is that they are too common.